
Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) is a common vulnerability that can be found in web applications where an attacker can access sensitive information or perform unauthorized actions by directly manipulating an object's reference value, such as a user ID, without proper access controls. let me tell you more IDOR vulnerabilities can result in serious consequences, such as unauthorized access, data leakage, and even complete system compromise. In this blog, we will learn how to use the Burp Suite for finding IDOR vulnerabilities in web applications.


Before we dive into the details of finding IDOR vulnerabilities with Burp Suite, it is important to have a basic understanding of how Burp Suite works, the various components of Burp Suite, and the different types of web application vulnerabilities, don't miss it.

Burp Suite is a popular web application testing tool that consists of several modules, including a proxy, scanner, intruder, repeater, and sequencer. These modules work together to help identify and exploit vulnerabilities in web applications. Burp Suite is widely used by security researchers and penetration testers to assess the security of web applications.

Steps to find IDOR vulnerabilities using Burp Suite:

  1. First Set up Burp Suite: The first step is to set up Burp Suite and configure your browser to use the Burp proxy. This allows you to intercept and modify the requests sent to the web application. To set up Burp Suite, you can follow the instructions provided by PortSwigger, the developers of Burp Suite.
  2. Identify potential IDOR endpoints: Once you have set up Burp Suite, the next step is to identify potential IDOR endpoints. This can be done by looking for parameters in the requests that represent objects or resources, such as user IDs, order IDs, or product IDs. These parameters are often used by web applications to retrieve or modify data.
  3. Send the request to the repeater: After identifying the potential IDOR endpoints, you can send the request to the repeater module of Burp Suite. The repeater module allows you to repeat the request multiple times and make changes to the request parameters. This is useful for testing different values of the object reference parameter to see if you can access unauthorized data or perform unauthorized actions.
  4. Modify the object reference parameter: In the repeater module, you can modify the object reference parameter to a different value and see if you can access unauthorized data or perform unauthorized actions. For example, if the object reference parameter is a user ID, you can try changing the user ID to a different value to see if you can access another user's data.
  5. Check the response: After modifying the object reference parameter, you should check the response to see if you were able to access unauthorized data or perform unauthorized actions. If the response contains sensitive data or allows you to perform unauthorized actions, you have likely identified an IDOR vulnerability.
  6. Verify the vulnerability: Once you have identified a potential IDOR vulnerability, you should verify the vulnerability by attempting to exploit it using automated tools or manual testing. This will help you determine the severity of the vulnerability and the potential impact on the web application.
  7. Report the vulnerability: Finally, you should report the vulnerability to the web application's developers so they can fix the vulnerability. You should provide a detailed description of the vulnerability, the steps to reproduce the vulnerability, and any supporting evidence, such as screenshots or network traffic captures.


IDOR vulnerabilities can be serious security risks for web applications, but they can be easily identified and exploited using Burp Suite. By following the steps outlined in this blog, let me tell you, you can use the Burp Suite to find IDOR vulnerabilities and help improve the security of web applications. Remember to always report any vulnerabilities you find to the web application's developers so they can take appropriate action to fix the vulnerability.